La realitat lingüística al Canadà
As you might know, last summer some students from Maristes Girona went to Canada. We stayed in the city of Waterloo, Ontario. It was part of a programme organized by B.S., which we really enjoyed. Later on, once we had started the school this year, they told us we would have a speech about languages in Canada.
We were looking forward told and finally, it took place this week. We started with a kahoot about general knowledge of Canada, so we had an introduction to the country and its languages and laws.
The lecturer from Cambridge University, who was the speaker, showed us a FaceTime he did with a Canadian friend he usually visits, and also a Youtube video of two girls, one British and Canadian the other, talking about some word differentces. He finished the speech with a round of questions and answers with a great participation.
We have been really happy with this activity in English in our school Maristes Girona.
Jan Ferragut, Pere Rovira, Mireia Gerona, Gerard Gàlvez, Anna Rodríguez.